
Happy Halloweeeeeeeen<3

I was a Little Red Riding-hood.
but I liked my friend's costume more than mine so I asked him and borrowed that
.......and I became a "Little Red Riding-Sayo-nigiri:)"("Nigiri" means rice-ball)
What costume did u wear??
Happy Halloween<3



(only two ppl are Japanese in this pix.)


sorry I couldn't go to the last CCDL class and check this website for a while,,,

because.... guess what?? I was in Korea!!!!!

That was my first time to visit there and I can't speak Korean at all,

but since I have many Korean Japanese friends (they are Korean but born and grew up in Japan, and now studying Korean in Korea.) living there, I could experience the Korean college students' life with them.;)

Korea has a lot of Yummy Hot food like Kimchi. Before I go, I couldn't ate any spicy food but now I really like it! I want to visit there again to just have Kimchi !lol

since I experienced too many stuff in Korea to write in this blog(or since I am just too lazy to write about that in English..j/k:P) I want you to gusess what I experienced by checking pictures of me n friends in Korea!!!!lol

If you have never been there, I really recommend to buy an air ticket to Seoul right now!!!


many ppl in Seoul thought I am a Korean. Do I look like Korean?



hello~everyone:) how r u today???

I have a quick question!

"Do You Have a facebook??"

I bet all of you say "YES!!!"....right??

In Japan, most of the students have a "mixi" just like you have a facebook.

BUT in order to open a mixi account, you have to be invited by someone who already has the account...ohhhhhhhh it takes a lot of doing:(

but still, having a MIXI account will help you to learn Japanese, so if your friend has a mixi account, you should ask him/her to invite you!!!

P.S. I have a facebook account!! Search "Sayo Otsuka"on facebook and add me, please:P then we can also talk on our wall☆
This pix was taken in Olympia with my roomies when I was studying at the University of Washington:) One is a Mexican and the other is a half-Chinese and half-Russian!!...and I am a Japanese<3


this is Sayo:D

Hello everyone;D This is Sayo Otsuka from Waseda University.

Let me briefly introduce myself to you first.
I am a senior at SILS(School of International Liberal Studies) and studying Chinese and Economics there. I love my departments and want to stay there more and study Chinese(but not Economics.lol) but Im gonna graduate from Waseda University in 5 minths:(
After I graduate, I m gonna work at a trading company (called 商社 in Japanese). Im so excited to work there because the company might gives me many opportunities to work abroad!!!

When I was a sophomore, I went to the United States and studied at the University of Washington a year. Life in Seattle was just great and I still miss everything there.
After I came back to Japan, I started to learn Chinese. This past August, I took a summer school in Taiwan so my Chinese has some Taiwan accent. (but I think Taiwan accent sounds cute.lol)

I love to see a musical so if you are also interested in that, let me know! we can go to see together! (last Satday, I saw "West side story" by 劇団四季.)

写真の右側がSayoです i love happy ppl, and love to be happy<3