hello~everyone:) how r u today???
I have a quick question!
"Do You Have a facebook??"
I bet all of you say "YES!!!"....right??
In Japan, most of the students have a "mixi" just like you have a facebook.
BUT in order to open a mixi account, you have to be invited by someone who already has the account...ohhhhhhhh it takes a lot of doing:(
but still, having a MIXI account will help you to learn Japanese, so if your friend has a mixi account, you should ask him/her to invite you!!!
P.S. I have a facebook account!! Search "Sayo Otsuka"on facebook and add me, please:P then we can also talk on our wall☆
This pix was taken in Olympia with my roomies when I was studying at the University of Washington:) One is a Mexican and the other is a half-Chinese and half-Russian!!...and I am a Japanese<3